3 Reasons You Should Publish A Newsletter
Frank Garon is a former truck driver who went from making $14.25 an hour to over $200,000 a year with his internet business. He explains how you can establish a good relationship with your customers using personalised marketing techniques so that they learn to trust and like you and then buy from you. Frank Garon: Let's talk about three reasons why you want to publish a regular newsletter. Write about whatever comes to mind because if you screw up on the internet, how much money does it cost you? Very little. When I send out a newsletter what does it cost me? - One 10th of one 100th of one millionth of a penny. So why be afraid to experiment? Why be afraid to say what is on your mind?
Okay, the three reasons why you want to publish a regular newsletter:
1. So when you get a visitor you can capture their details. A newsletter allows you to build a lot more personalisation. If you do not do that and they come one time and they leave without buying what happens? Nothing.
2.You will get better as you go along. Your first one is going to stink. My first five to eight months worth of newsletters definitely stunk. But do you know what? Every week, every month I got a little better and I started making $20.
3.It is your job You build an opt-in list. People say Here is my email. You have permission to email me. Do we want to intermittently email them some junk and invite them to hit the delete key? Or, do we want to practice our craft and get good and actually acknowledge and respect that permission? People say: Okay, yeah I am on 10 other email lists but I will take yours. Entertain me! Tell me something different. Make me laugh. Be my advocate.
Keep me from losing money, keep me from looking stupid. But if I give you permission to mail me then darn it, mail me something good. So we have got three reasons why you want to publish a regular newsletter:
1.Frequency breeds familiarity
2.How else are you planning on getting good?
3.It is your job People give you permission. By being consistent you get better. By being better, you gain credibility. You are seen as an authority. Consistency leads to credibility; credibility leads to sales; sales leads to more good things like joint ventures. How did I get to where I am today? I published a regular newsletter. I built rapport with people on my list. Rapport led to sales; sales led to getting the attention of people like Yanik Silva. That is how it all starts, with the small stuff; the stuff that you already know. You know 99.9% of what you need to know to make money online. I will probably be the only one to tell you that. The rest is just details. You already know how to market, you know how to date. Brandability is vitally important to your business. Why do you want to brand yourself? Because everybody needs an angle to stand out in the crowd. And it establishes your authority. I say that I am going to make a half a million dollars this year and you believe that I can do it because I said it. That is authority.
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